
Much Smarter Paint

Our private label store brand, “CLASSIC” which took us years to get just right. 

  • Available and easy to order in any competitor’s colors.
  • Very low odor, dissipates quickly.
  • We offer it at a winning price point.
  • Great professional painter consistency.
  • Excellent Hide and Coverage.
  • Ships immediately and inexpensively.

Much Smarter Paint is maybe the most popular substitute for the Mythic Paint brand. With the same safety and performance verification labels that were on the Mythic product as well as an independent performance certification from Greenwise, our past Mythic customers love it. We think you will too. Try a gallon today.

  • Zero VOC
  • All Mythic Colors
  • All Competitor Colors
  • Ultra Low Odor
  • Durable & Washable
  • Ethylene Glycol Free
  • BPA & APE Free
  • Phthalate Free
  • Aldehyde Free
  • Self Priming Most Uses
  • Superior Coverage
  • Excellent Touch Up
  • Great Flow & Level
  • Meets LEED Standards
  • Meets MPI Code 52
  • Zero VOC Colorants
  • Same Day Shipping

NOTE: Because of recent developments in the regulatory arena, it seems paint formulators and manufacturers may be reluctant to approve 100% non-toxic claims. Our products are labeled “not considered to be 100% non toxic.” We make every attempt to provide you with products that are formulated to have what we believe to be the lowest odor. They are also among the lowest volatile content paints available today. The definition for Zero VOC is less than 5 grams per litre and that is what our product is labeled.

Buying paint can be really confusing today. You CANNOT trust most of the blogs. They are popular and search near the top of search results because of the ads on the page, not because the information is always vetted or accurate. Across the sustainability, architecture and consumer communities, there is total information overload and chaos for the diligent, informed consumer. We will not call out any of the misinformation here, we will just say this.

We sell really, really good paint.
Our website is easy to use.
We almost always get colors right.
You don’t have to park.
Waiting in line is unnecessary.
You will like our products.
We think you might come back.


  • Try to test products on the wall for performance before you start the bigger job.
  • We recommend never, ever painting in an enclosed, unventilated space.
  • Set up negative pressure ventilation in the work area to carry fumes out.
  • Have a source of makeup air into your space from outside the work area.
  • Exhaust fans only work properly when they are shrouded against leakage.
  • A breeze through the work area that carries fumes out is the best setup.
  • Try to wash up with as little water as possible and don’t put paint down the drain.
  • Research best practices for safe painting, ladder safety and lead hazards.
  • This is not a complete list and being careful and safe is up to you.

Mythic Non Toxic Paint

Mythic is out of business. Exactly why they are gone is not clear to us. We still have some product here, with a lot of their super high quality exterior product available. Please call before placing Mythic orders.

Vermont Natural Coatings

One of our favorite DIY store brands, we love their All in One Stains and Furniture Finishes. They are a great product that we have been selling for many years with great customer approval. Made with whey protein as a binder and one of the lowest volatile contents in the market, the VNC line is perfect for cabinetry and furniture.

Vermont Natural Coatings Professional 

Vermont Natural Coatings Professional 3000 Sealer, EZ-Pro, 3500 and MVP are fantastic high end residential finishes made by VNC that we are very proud to offer. The certified MVP High Gloss Gym Finish for our school customers is a great alternative to solvent and allows many schools to manage their own maintenance. Changing from hazardous High VOC based finishes to far lower volatile content water based finishes is the wave of the future.

Bohme Exterior Stains

Bohme is a great line of imported exterior stain and finish products from VNC. We are currently dropshipping this product to our customers at the best prices in the marketplace. Find it cheaper, let us know.

Whizz Brushes and Rollers

We carry the Amazing WHIZZ painting system and we love to sell our customers these long lasting products without selling them things they don’t need. If we give you good painting advice you will keep coming back.

TECH SUPPORT: GIve us a call at 973 886 4722 if you have any questions trying to figure out quantities or colors. If you are painting for the first time we are happy to help you get professional results.

Non Toxic Paint Supply